This page let’s you know what to expect when you are participating in Karaoke for Ed Soul Entertainment

Please note that by singing or participating in the karaoke, you agree to allow Ed Soul Entertainment to broadcast your performance or use it for marketing purposes to promote Ed Soul Entertainment. If you want to be off camera, please let the host know.
Local Karaoke
1. Sign Up to sing
Look up your song by going to ONLINE Songbook and search by either Artist or Title
You may look up my songs here
You may sign up on this site. If you do, please skip the next step below
Send a Text message (SMS) to (505) 226-2863 and include your “Name”, “Artist” and “Title” of the song you wish to sing.
Alternatively, you may sign up at the Kiosk located by the DJ Booth.
Finally, as a last resort, you may approach me (the KJ) and verbally request your song by providing your “Name, Artist & Title” of the song you wish to sing. Wearing a mask is optional.
2. Wait for your Name to be called up to the stage
The microphone will be sprayed after every singer to keep it sanitized
A microphone disposable cover is available open request
This is reusable at any karaoke show as long as you are the ONLY one using it
Please remember to take it off the microphone when you’re done and bring it back when you’re singing another song
Hand Sanitizer is provided and optional to be used
At the moment, I only have 1 microphone stand for all so everyone will be touching the same stand. It’s recommended to use the hand sanitizer that’s provided.
3. Have Fun!!!
This is not American Idol or auditions for The Voice. This is not the road to Karaoke World Championships.
This is a fun, simple and safe environment filled with singing, dancing, eating, drinking and socializing so let’s all make nice and enjoy the entertainment!
4. Rotation
I do a “Rotation” style of karaoke. If you sign up for 1 song, I’ll put you in the rotation for additional songs. During the 1st hour of my show, I’ll put up new singers with a minimum of a 30 minute wait unless I don’t have any new singers to fulfill that requirement. Once I’m projected to go beyond the 1st hour of karaoke, I’ll put the new singers in between the existing singers. When I call your name anytime before the last hour of the show, you may provide your request to me in person or defer to the next singer. If you do not have any songs queued up during the last hour of the show, I’ll automatically go to the next singer that has a song queued until the end of the time that I’m scheduled for. I’ll make an announcement when I have enough singers for the night.
In my years of hosting karaoke, I feel that this is a pretty fair way to manage a rotation, which is why I disclosed this information on my website for you.
Please note that I will NOT take $$$TIPS$$$ to move yourself up in the rotation. Please tip in good faith. However, I will accept a tip to put you in at the end of the show (end of the scheduled time) as long as the venue is still open.
Thank you for your understanding and let’s have some fun!
If you’re looking for ONLINE karaoke, please click here